52 Hours: A Commitment To Yourself To Elevate Your English Pronunciation.

Learning new stuff, like languages or skills, isn’t always a smooth ride. There are times when motivation takes a nosedive because, let's face it, the world's full of distractions and a ton to explore. Ain’t nobody got time to just practice their pronunciation.

You can't rely on being pumped up all the time to get you through. What works better is having a solid routine or habit. It might not always be glamorous or mind-blowing, but being committed and doing things regularly can take you far.

Think about it—can you spare just an hour each week to work on your pronunciation? Pick a day and time and guard that time fiercely from anything trying to steal it away—friends, family, appointments, parties, you name it. Protect that time for learning pronunciation, and you'll see progress.

It's already December 10th, the end of 2023! But then, when you look back, you realize you've actually achieved a bunch of stuff this year. This is exactly why it’s essential to carve out time for your English pronunciation practice if you’re serious about it. Otherwise, time flies by and you haven’t changed.

As this year wraps up, take a second to think about how much you've improved your English pronunciation. Remember when basic conversations were a struggle? Now look at you, miles ahead from where you started just a year ago.

Picture this: 52 hours dedicated solely to getting your pronunciation spot on. What could you learn, focus on, or practice? It’s a whole world of potential.

The following question is whether you think spending an hour every week on your pronunciation is worth it? Think about what else you do for an hour without blinking—watching TV, scrolling TikTok, listening to music, binging Youtube or Reddit rabbit holes. Are they as valuable to you as getting better at English?

Ask yourself why you want to improve your English communication. Is it about those little things, like not having to repeat yourself? Or maybe it’s the confidence that comes from speaking fluently with native English speakers, or building connections in your new home country? Or are you eyeing that next job or promotion?

It's your call.

Imagine the possibilities in those 52 hours, and think about how consistently putting in that effort could totally revamp how you connect and chat.

All it takes is an hour a week—watch how it transforms the way you talk and relate to others.


Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!


Pronunciation Apps: What To Consider