New Blog


Decided to restart this blog but trying to transfer everything to SquareSpace. Going to try and revitalize this habit and I have some more things to share.

Over the past year (yeah…I can’t believe I took a year hiatus from blogging), I dealt with a shoulder surgery, still work in a hospital during COVID, and finished an ESL teacher training program. Hopefully this means that I can share some information that is helpful for English language learning and not solely English pronunciation.

My goal with the program was to understand how ESL teachers are teaching information to English language learners.

  • How is it formatted?

  • Why is it presented the way it is?

  • Is there a better way or a more personalized way that I think may be more effective

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned over the last year and how I can better present the information to you.

Given that I’ve moved my blog over from Wix to Squarespace though, I’ve just decided to post them all here. If you haven’t read through them, it may be a good refresher but I’m sure to revisit many of these ideas again.

Glad to be back!



What your accent says about you


I.P.A. (not the beer)