Top 4 Accented English groups in Vancouver


The most common non-official-language mother tongues in 2011 included: (1) Cantonese, (2) Chinese not otherwise specified, (3) Mandarin, (4) Tagalog, (5) Punjabi. Since "Chinese not otherwise specified" is not helpful to figuring out their accent, we'll just do top 4.

On May 10, 2016 on Census day, 4,648,055 persons were identified as living in BC. This reflects a 5.6% increase compared to the 2011 Census (4,400,057 persons). Updated census data will be available for review October 25, 2017 on the exact immigration and ethnocultural diversity data.

Over the next few weeks, I'll include a tips sheet for each of the top 4 accented English group. These tips may not be suitable for your specific needs but reflect general recommendations to address problems typical for these languages. Consult a SLP or accent modification consultant to determine your biggest concerns!

You can always send me a message if you have any questions/concerns! That's what I'm here for.


Statistics Canada. 2012. Visual Census. 2011 Census. Ottawa. Released October 24, 2012. (accessed May 4, 2017).

2016 Census Program release schedule. (2017, March 31). Retrieved May 4, 2017, from


Top 4 Accents in Vancouver, Canada - Cantonese

